
Membership of the Organ Club is open to all those who have an interest in the organ, be it the music, the mechanics, as an organist, or enthusiast. It was founded in 1926, with Henry Willis III as inaugural president.

Benefits of membership include:

  • Thrice yearly full colour A4 journal, containing Club news, articles and reviews of new music, CDs, books and DVDs.
  • Bi monthly newsletter with information about the Club’s forthcoming activities, recitals, and other interesting events.
  • Regular visits to organs of significance around the UK.
  • Annual Tour – alternating National/International.
  • Reduced cost access to additional mini-tours and masterclasses.
  • Access to one of the largest archives of organ related documentation.
  • Being part of a community of like minded individuals.

To join the Organ Club, please download a membership application form, and return it to
Mark Jameson (Membership Secretary)
92, The Hawthorns, Charvil, Reading RG10 9TS.

To renew your membership to the Organ Club, please download a membership renewal form, and follow the instructions on the form.

Membership fees can be paid via bank transfer (details on the membership form) or cheque, sent to the same address and payable to ‘The Organ Club.

Overseas members: there will be an additional charge of £10 to cover airmail postage. US dollars and euros can be accepted but check first with the Membership Secretary before sending money.
Joint membership: members residing at the same address, wishing to receive only one copy of the Journal and Newsletter, may reduce the second and subsequent member subscriptions by 50%. Please include details of each member.
Please complete your name and address details in CAPITALS.

For all membership enquiries, please contact the Membership Secretary via the Contact page.